• Minimum Tank Size: 180 gallons • Water Conditions: 76-84° F; pH 5.5-7.0; dH 3-20 • Diet: Carnivore • Origin: Rio Tapajos, Brazil, Amazon • Family: Cichlidae • Species: Pike Cichlids • Aquarium Type: New World Cichlid Aquarium If you have some experience under your belt and are feeling up to the challenge, even after reading this article, then you should go ahead and start your first C. lenticulata tank.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'fishkeepingworld_com-netboard-1','ezslot_21',124,'0','0'])); By designing the tank around their natural environment, and perhaps, more importantly, choosing the right tank mates, you will have a healthy aquarium for many years to come. Help Support AquariumDomain! These are beautiful fish, which is why many people choose them despite their drawbacks. Tank Size . Their size if your fish and the presence of any tank mates will naturally also effect how small the aquarium can be. Many people house them in a species tank to avoid compatibility issues. Size: Clear: Venezuelan Striped Pike (Crenicichla sp. Despite its rarity and high price, the Zebra Pike is generally hardy and undemanding, although they may take some time to wean on to prepared foods. 110 Threads 3.5K Messages. They are a hardy species that can tolerate small temporary changes in water conditions, but these can cause health conditions if left for a long time. This pattern can continue down the body a little way, but the spots become sparse further away from the head. You may notice a few aggressive displays, but these are usually just to scare the other fish, not hurt them. A formidable predator; it consumes essentially aquatic insects, small fish and plant materials. If you notice that a fish pair has formed, maybe remove them to protect the rest of your fish. You are going to need an aquarium of at least 90 gallons, but the more space your fish has, the more comfortable and less aggressive they will be. QUICK VIEW. Minimum Tank Size: 30 to 300 gallon (120 to 1200 liters) Temperature: 60°-84°F (15.5°-29°C) depending on the species: Acidity: 6.5 to 8.5 pH depending on the types of cichlids : Hardness: 5 – 15 dGH (<250 ppm) Nitrate <20 ppm: Ammonia & Nitrite: 0: Origin and Distribution: Cichlids are one of the significant members of the species of the Cichlidae fish family. In the shallows of the Rio Negro (where they are primarily found) they would be surrounded by debris from trees and rocks. Omnivore Pellet Foods Flake Foods Other (See article) Life Span. The Pike Cichlid comes from a family of cichlids collectively termed the "pike cichlids", though the Pike Cichlid itself is the best known. It’s a weird, I know… but it’s the easiest way I’ve found. VOTE NOW. This gives them time to establish themselves so that they’ll be better able to cope with a Pike Cichlid once it’s added. Cleaning the tank regularly should maintain the internal environment. Family Cichlidae This article is a stub. So, 1.) Diet. This might be ich, presenting as white spots across the body, or fin rot, which can cause damaged and discolored fins. Copyright © 2021 - Fishkeeping World - All Rights Reserved. Most Crenicichla rarely exceed a size of more than 25 cm. Zebra Pike (Crenicichla zebrina) Origin: Wild Venezuela. This includes invertebrates such as shrimp and worms. However, they can’t stay away from their tank mates in a confined place like an aquarium. I know that they pretty much eat anything that will fit in their mouth as well. South America. Pike Cichlids belong to the genus Crenicichla HECKEL 1840. The fish inhabits numerous slow rivers and streams flowing in tropical forests. In a community cichlid tank with other larger cichlids that may be aggressive, rainbow cichlids can be kept with other similar-sized South American cichlids that have a similar temperament. Locale: Rio Orinoco basin. Sub-forums: Winner Archives; Poll Archives; 110 Threads 3.5K Messages. Forum for General FISH RELATED Discussions. If you’re new to the hobby, then a small peaceful species will be better suited for you, such as Neon Tetras. The minimum tank size recommended for the Zebra Cichlid is 50 gallons (180 liters). Their heads are covered in dense spots. Bottom of these waters as a rule is covered with fallen leaves, branches, various fruit from trees. 00 - $ 258. Pike Cichlids are often found in creeks but sometimes captured in rivers, specially during the dry season. web browser that Pike cichlids from the genus Crenicichla range in size from three-inch "dwarf pikes" to large fish over a foot in length. Even tank mates of similar size can be wounded because this species is so powerful. Add to cart. Many of the 100+ species top out around 6-8 inches in length but all share a common behavior, diet and care. Fish are their main food source in their natural habitat, but once in the aquarium, they learn quickly and they also learn from other fish; they can be trained to accept a few other live foods (e.g., ghost shrimp and earthworms) and may eventually be trained to accept frozen or fresh, prepared meaty foods such as chopped krill, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, and chopped pieces of fish; some specimens may eventually be trained to accept freeze-dried or other prepared food items, but it doesn't always work out. Use a soft sandy substrate to layer the bottom of the tank. Uncommon. The minimum tank size recommended for the Zebra Cichlid is 50 gallons (180 liters). supports HTML5 video. Albino Cyrtocara moorii, Haplochromis, Lake Malawi, African Cichlid From $ 12. Locale: Lower Rio Ventuari. Alternative live foods are the most likely to tempt this species. Aquarium Pike cichlid care is fairly easy because they’re tough sturdy fish. If you think you can handle their size and price, then hopefully you can cope with their behavior too. This species is a cave spawner, so a breeding pair will need their own cave. My Simple Cichlid Tank Size Formula You should have no more than one inch of full-grown fish for every two gallons of water in your tank. They will likely claim a territory and regularly return there. They are timid fish [Continue reading …], Peacock Cichlids are some of the most colorful fish in the world. Adult Size: 14″. Not only can C. lenticulata reach 15 inches long, but they can also be fast swimmers that enjoy having space to move around in. General Aquaria Discussion New. That's not too much of a problem as ghost shrimp and some of the other food items mentioned can be "gut-loaded" and vitamin-enriched in order to provide the Lenticulata Pike Cichlid with a varied and well balanced diet. Lenticulata Pike Cichlid native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility. Freshwater pH. Don’t add any small invertebrates to the tank. Frozen food might also be accepted, but it is less likely. The fins are short. The tank will be overpopulated shortly, and there are no shops in the area that will take the young ones. Of course, jewel cichlid is aggressive if it is kept together with guppies and danio.But in case when cichlid has tank mates of corresponding size and temper it’s no way a troublesome fish. You will need to have a fairly large tank for a Pike Cichlid, at least 30 gallons or more, and a significanlty larger tank (100 gallons or more) if you want to keep one with other fish. Today at 12:31 AM; The Masked Shadow; General Aquaria Discussion Forum. Raising the temperature gradually to 86°F might help to trigger some breeding behaviors. Provide a sandy to small gravel substrate, at least one large piece of driftwood (preferably with some sort of natural cave) along with several smaller pieces, possibly some rock structure, and a decent amount of live plants ranging in size from micro to large Amazon swords. Help Support AquariumDomain! Their tankmates must be of a similar size or larger, otherwise, they’ll be eaten. 132 Litres (35 US G.) Size. Provide an aquarium with plenty of hiding places, especially using bits of wood and leaves scattered across the substrate. They require quite hard water with a pH of 8.0 - 9.0 and will do good with a temperature between 72 - 82°F (22-28°C) The zebra cichlids adult size is 6 inches (15 cm) and they normally live for about 5 - 10 years in captivity. Royal Gramma: Care Guide, Compatibility, Diet and Habitat, Peacock Cichlid: Varieties, Care Guide, Tank Mates and More…, The Complete Fresh Water Crabs Care Guide. While it may be adequate for younger oscars, they will soon outgrow this tank when they reach their full size of 13.5 inches. Tank Size. … $288.00. He is also a proud member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America and the Nature Conservancy. Water Parameters: Neutral to hard and alkaline pH: 7.0-8.0, DH: up to 25 degrees Temperature: 22-28 deg C (72-82 deg F) Lighting: No special requirements Compatibility: Specialist community Size of fish: 3.0 inches (7.62 cm) Minimu… in length. 5.5 - 7.5 Temp. Most others grow to about 4 inches. Family Cichlidae Contents. Locale: Rio Ortugueza. They should also be robust and able to defend themselves if a fight breaks out. They do fine with moderate water movement and strong efficient filtration. They resemble pikes; hence the genus is referred to as ‘Pike Cichlids’. Carnivore Pellet Foods Live Foods Other (See article) Life Span. This is much larger than the smallest species (Crenicichla wallacii) which only reaches 2.5-5.5 inches. This will prevent the pathogen from spreading to the rest of your fish. Choose your Size: Pike Cichlid Reg about 2.5", Pike Cichlid MED about 3.5" Related products. If you have been an aquarist for a while, you might find yourself looking for a challenge. … In the wild they would live around many other types of fish, eating the small ones and staying away from the larger ones. We’re thrilled to have you as part of our community. Lenticulata Pike Cichlids are among the largest of their species and are extremely fast and powerful; it's recommended that they be kept in nothing less than a 75 gallon aquarium with a tight fitting lid (just incase). Plant the tank with robust, well-rooted plants. Compressiceps Dwarf Pike Cichlid (Crenicichla compressiceps) Origin: Wild Brazil Locale: Rio Tocantins Diet: Micropredator, will usually accept frozen and prepared diets in the aquarium Adult Size: 4″ Recommended Tank Size: 50 Gallon Preferred Water Parameters pH: 6.5 – 7.5 Temp: 76 – 82F Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: <30ppm. Gold Spot Caqueta Pike Cichlid (Crenicichla cf. As such, your tank should be at least 120 gallons, especially if … All the members of this family share an elongated body shape and attractive patterning, though they vary widely in terms of coloring and size. For this reason, they are not stocked in many shops.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fishkeepingworld_com-box-4','ezslot_5',111,'0','0'])); Search online for a pet store that supplies them. This species isn’t known for jumping, but it can happen. 5.1-9.9cm (2-3.9 ") sg. This job consists mostly of performing partial water changes every other week and wiping away excess algae. Lenticulata Pike Cichlids were extremely rare several years ago, but they are becoming more available within the hobby (through online vendors, communities, and auction sites), although they still retain a high price tag... it's possible to find a great deal now and then if you keep your eyes open. They can even be held alone or as a pair. Omnivore Pellet Foods Flake Foods Live Foods Life Span. They resemble pikes; hence the genus is referred to as ‘Pike Cichlids’.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_10',113,'0','0'])); As one of the largest Pike Cichlids, they can reach lengths of 15 inches. March TOTM Contest is live! ‘Venezuela’) Origin: Wild Colombia. This usually means supplying them with live feeder fish, which you can buy from stores or breed yourself in a separate tank. You might not experience any problems, but the trick is to keep a close eye on the tank so you can intervene should anything go wrong. 24 -27 °C (75.2-80.6°F) Water Hardness. 10-15 °d Stocking Ratio. Uncommon. The key tank size factors are that the tank is at least 18" front to back, 48" or more long, with a longer 6 to 8 foot aquarium affording a much better fit for a species … Tank of the Month NOTE: This section doesn't accumulate towards your post count. Diet. Tank Size . Often the crown in an individual’s collection, this fish [Continue reading …], Introduction Fish come in all shapes and sizes, but it’s often the ones with a unique appearance that draw us in. Larger Cichlid species, Rays, Plecos and large Catfish make good tank mates for Red Tapajos Pike in large aquariums (180 gallons or more). They are a very gorgeous looking fish with a … I know their very agressive, so don't warn me not to get one please. Our aim is to help educate anyone who wants to keep fish. All these species could be wounded by a Pike Cichlid though, so keep an eye on the interactions between your fish. I now have 20+ 1" Cichlids in the tank, along with a lot of 1 mm fry. Quarantine it until it has fully recovered. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a Forum for General FISH RELATED Discussions. Some suggested tank mates include large Geophagus species, medium to large Pleco species, true Parrot Cichlids, Lima Shovelnose Catfish, larger Oscars, and similar sized Peacock Bass. The willingness to accept different foods depends on the individual fish. Lenticulata Pike Cichlids are one of the most attractive members of the Crenicichla genus (usually equally aggressive as well) and are also a member of the Lugubris group (the largest members of the Crenicichla genus); they are primarily found in the Rio Negro, but also reside in a few other locations throughout the Amazon Basin in South America. Please read on for more insight on African cichlids body and tanks size. Add some driftwood and rocks on top of the substrate, arranging them to form some caves. Space is crucial for reducing fighting and keeping each individual fish happy. The male will patrol the perimeter to keep other fish away. 25.4-39.9cm (10-15.7 ") sg. How to properly feed Lenticulata Pike Cichlid and provide a healthy diet. If you have bought feeder fish, quarantine them before using them as food, to prevent introducing parasites to your fish. • Minimum Tank Size: 90 gallons • Water Conditions: 75-82° F, KH 1-15, pH 5.5-7.0 • Diet: Carnivore • Origin: French Guiana, Northern Amazon • Family: Cichlidae • Species: Pike Cichlids • Aquarium Type: New World Cichlid Aquarium Recommended Tank Size: 120 gallons. It is widespread throughout much of Africa and has been recorded in Guinea, Guineabissau, Senegal, Togo, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Niger, Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, Central African Republic, Gambia, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Chad, Liberia, Zambia, Angola, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe. Amazon Swords work well.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_16',117,'0','0'])); A tight-fitting lid on top of the tank is a good idea. 10-20 °d Stocking Ratio. C. lenticulata are primarily found in the Rio Negro, but populations are present across the Amazon Basin. Fish Keeping World is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and any other affiliated sites. 5-8 years Habitat. Keyhole cichlid is a monogamic fish, it forms couples. Min. Preferred Water Parameters. ! 110 Threads 3.5K Messages. "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups" When you look at a pike cichlid, you can clearly see that this is a capable predator. As with most species, conditions in the tank must be perfect for C. lenticulata to spawn. It receives plenty of sunlight too, but C. lenticulata prefers shaded areas. The natural home of C. lenticulata is the Amazon Basin in South America. Females have a white stripe on their dorsal fin, but males don’t. 24 -27 °C (75.2-80.6°F) Water Hardness. Butwe always try to mimic as much similarity as possible between the two. They also prefer "blackwater" conditions and tend to thrive in the higher end of their temperature threshold (84°F makes them happy); they also tend to prefer a lower pH (approximately 5.5) as well as soft water and pristine conditions are in high demand. However, males can have a pink stripe on their dorsal fin, so be careful not to confuse the pink and the white stripes. TANK : Pike Cichlids, regardless of the size, need large tanks with plenty of open swimming areas. Tank size for Pikes is largely dependent on the maximum size of the particular fish. Uncommon. Freshwater pH. A water pump might be too powerful. Pike cichlids need clear, clean water to thrive, and their eating habits complicate that. This puts many people off, making them an even rarer sight. It can vary, but between $100 and $150 is common. This could be chopped up krill, pieces of fish, or maybe some brine shrimp. Now, a captiveenvironment will never be the same as the natural habitat of these beings. Pike cichlid ID/question 8/9/19 Greetings, WWM fishy folks … I have a bonded pair of pike cichlids I got as juveniles (about the size of an average index finger when purchased) from a local big box store — they were unhelpfully labeled ‘pike cichlids’ and of course the staff had no idea what species they were or proper care instructions for them. A large tank is important. They inhabit the freshwaters lakes, streams, rivers and pools of most of the Amazonian rivers, but there are many species found in Colombian, Venezuelan and … Lenticulata Pike Cichlids are Piscivorous and will initially only prey upon live fish. 8-10 °d Stocking Ratio. Most of their time is spent in the middle and lower regions of the tank. In a large and roomy aquarium, pike cichlids will exhibit a much broader repertoire of natural behaviors. Preferred Water Parameters. It is recommended that you introduce tank mates to the aquarium before C. lenticulata. RED PIKE CICHLID SIZE IS ABOUT 12-15 INCHES. in length. habitat coast . Tank Size . They are very aggressive and highly predatory. This will be most similar to the river beds they come from. We will outline everything you need to know about caring for this species, including ways to keep their aggression levels down.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'fishkeepingworld_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_15',109,'0','0'])); C. lenticulata is a species in the Cichlidae family. Most Crenicichla rarely exceed a size of more than 25 cm. 5.1-9.9cm (2-3.9 ") sg. 246 Litres (65 US G.) Size. So far I have not been able to even attempt breeding, as I have not found a female...yet. Depending on your area, you might have to travel quite a distance. All the fry should be separated from adult fish; otherwise, the adult fish might see the fry and think it’s feeding time. Venezuelan Striped Pike (Crenicichla sp. Robert Woods is the creator of FishKeeping World, a third generation fish keeper and a graduate in animal welfare and behavior. The eggs should take 3-4 days to hatch and the fry should become free-swimming a few days after that. 72″ x24 ” x 24″ (180cm x 60cm x 60cm) – 680 litres. Separate them if fighting is a regular occurrence. Family Cichlidae Contents. 'Venezuela') quantity. Plenty of organics on the bottom usually makes water rich brow… Convict Cichlids are among the hardiest fish in the fish keeping hobby. Are Crenicichla lenticulata Suitable for your Aquarium? The water should have a pH of 5.5-6.5 and a hardness between 4-8 dH. Mine is probably a little smaller than most, but my pike does very well in it with plenty of water changes. So, for one... Filtration. These fish grow to a fair size, and you will need a reasonably large tank to accommodate them. Diet: Predator, will usually accept frozen and prepared diets in the aquarium. MSRP: $350.00 Add to Cart. 5-8 years Habitat. Family Cichlidae This article is a stub. Aggression is at its highest while breeding. Provide a tight-fitting cover as when frightened, these fish are known to leap. VOTE NOW. Two close fish types are often described by this name – more famous Hemichromis lifalili and another one is Hemichromis bimaculatus, which differs only in the presence of black spot at the bottom of its fluke. 24 -27 °C (75.2-80.6°F) Water Hardness. 99 Mbuna Cichlid Pictures: 4. They are native to Lake Malawi and are one of the most friendly and peaceful members of the Cichlids. He follows around the Ray(because they are best friends) because he gets the good stuff, blood worms. The information, content and material contained on the site is intended to be of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute professional/medical advice. Baby brine shrimp are a good source of food for the fry. The best options are to either keep just one fish per tank or to have a male-female pair. Choose your Size: Pike Cichlid Reg about 2.5", Pike Cichlid MED about 3.5" Related products. At this point, they can be fed. It is one of the largest species in its family and has a boisterous personality that allows it to stand up to larger fish. Minimum Tank Size: 30 to 300 gallon (120 to 1200 liters) Temperature: 60°-84°F (15.5°-29°C) depending on the species: Acidity: 6.5 to 8.5 pH depending on the types of cichlids : Hardness: 5 – 15 dGH (<250 ppm) Nitrate <20 ppm: Ammonia & Nitrite: 0: Origin and Distribution: Cichlids are one of the significant members of the species of the Cichlidae fish family. Freshwater pH. Dwarf species like C. notophthalmus, C. regani and C. urosema can be kept in tanks as small as 30 gallons. This is why you must avoid adding small tank mates; they’d be viewed as a snack.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-netboard-2','ezslot_22',120,'0','0'])); In an aquarium, they need a similar diet. These fish are piscivorous, meaning that they mainly eat fish. This is an endemic of tropical South America, within Orinoco river estuary area starting from Barima river (Guyana) to Ouanary river (French Guiana). If you are in the process of choosing between two aquariums of different size for your pike cichlids, always go for the bigger one. 36″L x 18″H x 15″W (90cm x 45cm x 37.5cm) – 160 litres Aquarium filters which have been highly recommended by customers in your area can be found here. The outlet also helps to move the water around and oxygenate it. Pike Cichlids are often found in creeks but sometimes captured in rivers, specially during the dry season. Diet: Predator, will usually accept frozen and prepared diets in the aquarium. It is also among the most peaceful of the large pike cichlids, and has been successfully kept in community aquariums with other appropriately sized fish. Common Pike Cichlid (Crenicichla sp. Pike Cichlid - Crenicichla lepidota The Lepidota Pike Cichlid, also known as the Two-Spot Pike or Comb Pike Cichlid. Mature males are generally larger and develop elongated anal and dorsal fins. Pike cichlid care guide Tank size. Because they are large, fast, and powerful, they require adequate open space for hunting and swimming; because of this a 90 gallon minimum tank size is recommended for a single male or one male and one female. The first thing that you need todo is to buy an appropriate tank for housing your Cichlid. Freshwater pH. A dark stripe runs horizontally from the back of their head to the tip of their tail fin. Tank of the Month NOTE: This section doesn't accumulate towards your post count. Welcome to Fishkeeping World. Recommended Tank Size: 120 gallons. Many people believe that set-ups as small as 30 gallons are adequate for these cichlids. Pike cichlids from the genus Crenicichla range in size from three-inch "dwarf pikes" to large fish over a foot in length. Some potential options include large Oscars, Parrot Cichlids, Peacock Bass, Lima Shovelnose Catfish, large Plecos, or Geophagus species. A heater is needed to maintain a temperature in the range of 75-86°F. Generally, these fish grow to measure up to 7 inches in length, with males being a little larger than females. Since this species is not aggressive, it can also be housed with another pair of rainbow cichlids, if the tank size is large enough. Scientific Name: Herotilapia multispinosa, Heros multispinosus Temperament: Peaceful Distribution: Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Hungary Family: Cichlidae Sexual Dimorphism: Not easy to determine. Min. 1:1 M:F Availability. Related products. The pectoral fins are located just behind the head, but the anal, dorsal and caudal fins are all found at the rear of the body.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',114,'0','0'])); If fed a varied and nutritional diet, the fins can develop lavender hues as they grow; these will continue into adulthood. 284 Litres (75 US G.) Size. Reg size at shipping usually 2″ Additional information. Well, it is actually not a dwarf since it gets as big as any saxatilis group Pike, but it possesses the shape, uniquely characteristic of C. regani and C. notophthalmus. Plant some dense areas of vegetation around the tank. South America. Creating barriers to break lines of sight is a good way to lower aggression. There would also be an abundance of aquatic plants to offer shelter from sunlight and other fish. 132 Litres (35 US G.) Size. Jewel cichlid (Hemichromis bimaculatus) is a cichlid that became famous due to its beauty and aggressiveness.
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